Tuesday, January 28, 2014

This very cold day   (-9 degrees this morning) I will show you what I keep in one of my jewelry box drawers.  A Luna moth...(the pale green one) that you don't see all that often.  A locust...(that came  in on a load of damp cloths from outside) and I dumped the whole armload in the dryer, never knowing I had a locust in the midst, and thus he was preserved for my jewelry box.  Plus a Praying Mantis?  I forget and its hard to see in the picture.  I have a great enjoyment of God's creation if they do not scare or sting me.   Long ago,  the book 'Girl of the Limberlost' gave me an appreciation of nature that has diminished a bit over the  years but not too much!

I'm off to have a peek at my Cranberry Cake in the oven....it must be almost done!  My hubby & I will enjoy it so much with tea and coffee.  The perfect day to bake a treat is this one.  =)


Patsy said...

I read that same book and really enjoyed. Stay warm, it is very cold here but we have no snow. I am playing with Magic jigsaw and a new one jigsaw world puzzles.

Sola Scriptura said...

You have a very interesting collection in your box. I hope you enjoyed your warm dessert on this cold winter day, all the better to enjoy it with your husband :)

Carla from The River said...

I love your Luna Moth. I have seen several in the wild at my parents house. They are so beautiful.
I love your collection of bugs. ;-)

Carla from The River said...

I forgot to ask, would you share your cranberry cake recipe with us all? Thank You
xx oo

A Colorful World said...

Your collection is wonderful! And, yum cranberry cake and hot tea...that's sounds fabulous!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How beautiful! And the cake sounds amazing, too...and looks good in the other photo! Any left? heehee!