Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Just before the month of March ends....and at the end of the day, praying for the end of the virus. Still doing puzzles and reading.  I used to really enjoy learning how to use the 'net' for my blog.  That was when I spent hours online, learning and trying new things for my sidebar. I remember how exciting it was to publish a post and visit others. Health issues have changed that somewhat but life is good because God is good, no matter what.


Saija said...

Life is ever changing, isn't it … I am glad you still have some things you are able to enjoy ... thinking of sweet times in our blogging community - way back when … it was so very special to me … sending you big hugs from afar … as we "social distance" here in Canada too! Lord bless you much ...

handmade by amalia said...

You never know what life has in store for you. I hope that you are keeping well and safe.

Dolly said...

Well, on that note, let me say that I am honored to have the near-frequent visits to my blog from you ! You always have such encouraging words to share, and such sweet compliments on my quilting abilities. Stay well, my friend.