Friday, June 24, 2016

Old-Time-Radio.....for free!

 Hubby and I  were listening to Old Time Radio in the car, an old Phil Harris & Alice Faye radio show.  Something about Phil winning a pretty baby contest....and it was so funny.  I laughed my head off, but hubby merely smiled, so.....  I enjoyed it for both of us.  I did find this site right away,  and am so pleased with it.  I just watched, 'whats my line' off of this site while doing my posting. By the way,  I didn't click on any 'download' buttons.  Just clicked on the main menus etc.

 And...ta da!  More books!  We happened upon a $1.00 a box book sale.  At first glance around I didn't see anything I wanted, until....I noticed lots of old children's books.  You can almost always be sure of a good clean read with them.  So I brought home 2 boxes to enjoy and share and pass on.

This fern and violet are amazing to me, that they would do this well under a flourescent ceiling light. Wow....whoever would have thought!

Jesus said, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the
Father, but by me.' John chapter 14, verse 6.  'For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved'. Romans10:13

By the way, have you checked out Susan Branch's blog?  It is delightful!

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