Sunday, February 09, 2014

Valentine's week!  I still have a distant memory of sitting on Mom's bed when I was about 8 or 9 years old,  decorating a shoebox for my Valentine box at school.  Little things leave lasting impressions!  When I think of love,  John 3:16 comes to mind.  The love of sweet it is.


Patsy said...

Happy Valentines to you!
Yes I remember that to and getting my children and their valentine cards ready for school.
I can't wait for my flowers to bloom this spring so I can make puzzles of them.

Carla from The River said...

Yesterday, in Sunday School I was telling my class about my favorite box I made. :-)
I agree, I have happy memories of Valentine's Day too.

Stephanie said...

Such sweet and precious memories :) I think I will make a box with my son today...thank you for the inspiration.

Thinking of you, sweet friend, and praying you have a blessed week! Hugs!