Saturday, October 01, 2005

This Saturday morning is gone, and you know, I just wish I could be doing several things at once. There is so much to do. I have just learned how to use 'Paint shop' and have bought a CD with vintage clip art on it that has to be changed to 'jpeg' to file. Whew...its simple once you get the 'hang' of it, but until then, its like trying to go somewhere after dark with no flashlight. My son happens to be the only flashlight I have in this instance for computer know-how. Lets not go there..right now. I love this picture and hope to make it me after while. Just the two of us, my needle pulling thread and me. Its a lovely thought and makes a smile begin to lighten my load. I've just noticed in this picture that all the scissors have well as the pincushion. Hmmm. Posted by Picasa


melissa said...

Love the little girl sewing, and it's so crisp and clear. Such a pretty piece and sentiment, I agree.

Hope you're doing well this weekend.

Saija said...

i love my photo programs ... i think i could play with them all day!!! :o)

blessings to you ... i hope your Sunday is restful!

Finn said...

Hello Miss Maggie, what adorable clip art..perfect little picture. I hope the dream becomes reality for you soon. A nice sit and stitch, with chores behind you and a restful peace about you as you sew. Hugs, Finn