Friday, April 08, 2005

Welcome, Forsythia. Merriam-Webster Dictionary says this; Any of a genus (Forsythia) of ornamental shrubs of the olive family with opposite leaves and yellow bell shaped flowers. says; Forsythia is native to eastern Asia and southern Europe but widely cultivated for their branches of bright yellow bell-shaped flowers. I highly prize the way they can cheer up a grey day. To think, our heavenly Father not only created this flowering shrub but set it in just the right season to lighten our hearts. And, ( to put this in my own words) I was reading Farewell to Fairacre by Miss Read last night, (bear with me, this is related to flowers, well, possibly), Miss Read, the country school teacher, had the children outdoors for walk, and one of the boys collected a pocketful of rabbit droppings to use on his mum's houseplants, and telling another schoolmate he just may sell some to his gran for her plants. How rich !! I never thought those pesky rabbits would be good for my flower beds in any fashion. I am so used to them cutting my flowers off just for the fun of it. But, perhaps, thats just the fertilizer used here for this showy forsythia. A bit of give and take ? I just started this book and thought it a bit 'slow' but that was a rich laugh for me, and it will be easier to get back to reading it now. Anyway the flowers are very beautiful and oh so welcome. Song of Solomon 2:ll, l2 " For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth." Posted by Hello


Saija said...

as i walked around the yard today, i noticed the lilacs are thinking of blooming (they don't usually open their leaves until the end of May, so i think they are just teasing me!) ... my eyes are so ready for greenery ... !

Plain Jane said...

No forsythia yet here in Michigan, but the violets are blooming along the south foundation wall in my mother's yard. They're so welcome after this long, long winter.