I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works. I will be glad and rejoice in thee...Psalm 9:verses 1 and 2a
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Is anything more cheerful than yellow daffodils? I am glad that spring is almost here. ‘The first blooms of spring always make my heart sing’ S.Brown.
They remind me of my Mam, she had been in hospital for 6 weeks and the day we went to pick her up to come home when she walked out of the hospital there were daffodils everywhere at the front entrance & she was delighted to see them. Sadly we only had a year or so with her after that but it was lovely how pleased she was to see the daffodils that day.
Thanks for the memory, it was over 50 years ago but it's still vivid.
I'm new to your beautiful and refreshing blog. Wish I had found you long ago but better late than never :-) Spring, awash with color, makes me so happy.
lovely! hope all is well with you, dear one … we have been enjoying some sunshine and warm temps … everything is starting to pop now. and I have decided to do away with my flower garden. I will just have flower pots … no weeding that way … tho' it is a big job to get rid of the flowers - at least I have many takers for them! big hugs and blessings on ya!
They are so lovely & the smell is gorgeous too.
They remind me of my Mam, she had been in hospital for 6 weeks and the day we went to pick her up to come home when she walked out of the hospital there were daffodils everywhere at the front entrance & she was delighted to see them. Sadly we only had a year or so with her after that but it was lovely how pleased she was to see the daffodils that day.
Thanks for the memory, it was over 50 years ago but it's still vivid.
Pretty! Things are blooming and greening up here.
Love their yellow cheerfulness. Spring really is a very nice season.
I'm new to your beautiful and refreshing blog. Wish I had found you long ago but better late than never :-) Spring, awash with color, makes me so happy.
hope all is well with you, dear one …
we have been enjoying some sunshine and warm temps … everything is starting to pop now. and I have decided to do away with my flower garden. I will just have flower pots … no weeding that way … tho' it is a big job to get rid of the flowers - at least I have many takers for them!
big hugs and blessings on ya!
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