Thursday, April 30, 2020

My African violet is putting on a show....and I love it!  That rich purple color is regal and the curly petals are always a plus.  I think, once in a great while, that it would be nice to find an African violet that is a rare maybe a reddish color or yellow, but is that a possibility?  Wishing for you a very relaxed day, today and every day.


Mama Joan said...

African violets are one of my challenges. I can’t seem to keep them healthy. I have never had one rebloom. I think I water too much, then too little. What direction is the window facing where you keep yours? I need African violet helpl. I have three.

Winifred said...

That is a really pretty African Violet. I've seen pinks & purples but I can't remember other more unusual colours.