Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Something special...

Isn't this doily a beauty! I have a small wicker chest filled with doilys' and runners that I have found at thrift stores.  A few I crocheted myself...way back when. Ruffled doilys and pineapple patterns were my very favorites.  I still have some of the vintage direction booklets, and wonder now where I got the 'get up & go' to not only stick with the pattern but to finish so many. =)  Being in my 20's may have had something to do with it!


Latane Barton said...

I love the variegated thread! So pretty.

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

That is lovely! I still have the same thread in my collection.

Winifred said...

That is lovely.
I made one in plain deep cream but didn't completely finish it but it's on the coffee table anyway. It's just not as big as it should be. Maybe one day!!!!!