Monday, May 11, 2015

A little born

 What a treat it was when this little one was born. We were coming home from shopping and I noticed the neighbor's pasture....the tiniest little head I ever did see.  And then the struggle to stand up, made this little horse look like a Bambi...legs splayed wide and staggering about once  it finally managed to stand! I went for the camera and hubby got some great shots!  (click on these for a larger picture)

 Blogger isn't working the greatest today.  so I hope I can get these few pictures posted.   Isn't he or she the cutest thing?  Some other horses crowded around the baby and we were worried for its safety.  The Mom kept circling her baby to get between it and other horses,  and she worked it right over to the fence where my husband was watching and taking pictures.  This little guy is probably about 30 minutes old or so.  Notice- he or she has a little goatee.  And its red mane is so pretty, isn't it.

Oh wow!


Patsy said...

That is just wonderful to see and so cute.

Carla from The River said...

Wow, what a blessing to see. I always enjoy seeing baby calves on my parents dairy farm.
Great photos.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

A miracle! How amazing! It makes you so glad to have a camera to capture this beautiful scene. WOW! Hugs, Diane

A Colorful World said...

Such a priceless moment to happen upon! A beautiful miracle of nature! I am so glad you were there and got photos! Love how sweet he/she is! That cute little tongue sticking out made me smile.