Thursday, July 23, 2009

I've been away having so much fun! Can you tell? We had a fabulous time with our daughter and grandsons. Our five year old told me that when he grows up he's going to drive up here on a motorcyle as fast as he can to see me. I'd rather he comes in a car...grin. And not too fast!

Bless his sweet heart. He had told me that after he dropped something down behind the bed. I was sitting on the floor and told him as he prepared to get whatever it was he dropped or tossed behind the bed...that if he crawled under that bed, we wouldn't see him again for years there was so much 'stuff' under there. He lifted the bedskirt, took a look and said...oh good, there's wheels on the bed. No crawling under necessary. I'm rich with laughter after a week in their company. Love it all.

I just brought home a 740 piece puzzle ...a photograph of Ireland. Gorgeous...I'll get a picture posted soon unless I give up and put it back in the box. Yes, its that hard! The edge is done but thats it but for a few stingy pieces that let me find them. Well, I'm off to the library, a book I ordered on 'felting' has come in. Yesterday I worked outdoors most of the day and LOVED it! I felt fantastic...thats what I need, more physical activity in my life!

Wishing you blessings! "Saviour, More Than Life To Me..."

"Saviour, more than life to me, I am clinging, clinging close to Thee; Let thy precious blood applied, Keep me ever, ever by Thy side".

"Thro' this changing world below, Lead me gently, gently as I go; Trusting Thee, I cannot stray, I can never, never lose my way."

Let me love Thee more and more, Till this fleeting fleeting life is o'er; Till my soul is lost in love, In a brighter, brighter world above."

Fanny Crosby/W.H. Doane


Patsy said...

Saviour what a beautiful word.
I know you will miss the sweet sound of childhood.

Patsy said...

I for got to ans, yes they are the same.A woodchuck is a member of the squirrel family and is also called ground hog or whistle pig. Just much bigger.

Mrs. Mac said...

Fresh outdoor air is a good remedy for what ails you. Your grandson sounds rather smart and observant; enjoy your grandbabies and give them lots of hugs. The monkey picture says it all! Love it.

sparrow's song said...

Hey friend,

Children are such a joy!

How is that jigsaw puzzle coming along? That's a great project for the winter months and one we enjoy when snowed in.

We've been working in the gardens and moving the bird feeder to a new location closer to the house. We also have some blue birds taking up residence again so I'll be posting some photos and maybe some videos on them.

I did post a couple of new book reviews if you're interested in glancing at them.

You didn't mention what you were going to make with the wool from Gooseberry.

Hope to see you soon.

Stickhorsecowgirls said...

Ah, FAnnie Crosby. Just thinking about her life inspires me. Thanks! C

Kim said...

I love the picture. It looks like you went to our favorite place!

Ann said...

Grandsons are so fun! I can't image Jackson talking yet!