I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works. I will be glad and rejoice in thee...Psalm 9:verses 1 and 2a
Friday, April 13, 2007
The sweet little tatted flowers hanging out of my Bible pages are the book markers I just tatted this week and said I would post a picture of. I tatted 2 of the 3 bookmarkers by the rose too, but not recently. It was a treat to find this blog. She gives tutorials that are just great and is generous with her patterns too. I'm enjoying her blog and looking forward to trying her tatted bracelet pattern soon.
In my devotions this morning I was reading in the book of John chapter 1, verses 11,12...."He came unto his own and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name..." To think that God in the flesh walked this very same earth, that he created, is so wondrous...and that He himself took the punishment for us..is so humbling. I remember the day I got saved. For years I was very self complacent....doing good works, attending church, and then one week...an evangelist came to our church. He confronted me one night and asked me if I died tonight would I go to heaven. My answer...."I hope so". He knew I would go to hell by that answer. If I had been 'born again' I would have answered with confidence...a resounding YES to that question. He preached a message entitled, "Hell will be filled with good people"...I sat in the pew that morning and knew...that was me...'good' only in my own eyes. Not Gods. Jeremiah 17:9 says this about me..."The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?" Did I believe Gods word? was I good or am I sinful? As I sat there that morning, deep conviction filled my heart...the more I tried to defend myself to God, the more I realized how deceitful my own heart was...I repented and went forward to pray a sinner's prayer. Are you sure YOU are saved? "Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is." Jeremiah 17:7
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Just beautiful Maggie Ann, the bookmarks and your post. I visited the link to the tatting blog. Absolutely beautiful work isn't it? Tatting is such an intricate art, so lacy and pretty.
How wonderful to have such beautiful objects waiting for you when you open the Word!
The bookmarks are just lovely! And I really enjoyed seeing a picture of your Bible too.
Reading your testimony was such a blessing! I'm so glad that Evangelist preached that message and you received Christ as your Saviour. (o:
Thanks for visiting my blog and I hope you'll come back often.
Blessings, (o:
Maggie Ann,
I was just looking at your profile and noticed that you're 251 years old!! LOL (o;
I know without doubt that I am saved by God's grace and I will forever be thankful to God for my salvation. It has given everything to me.
I love your tatted bookmarks. My sweet mother-in-law made me one like that right before she went to be with the Lord. I cherish it with all my heart. connie from Texas
P.S. I am so glad we are sisters in christ.
the pic and the post go so well together ... don't you just love the word of God that speaks to every heart who wants to KNOW ... to LEARN ... to HEAR ...
i am so thankful that we are sisters in Christ and that through blogging we have met so many more who are IN the body of Christ ... a fellowship on online believers!
blessings to you sweet maggie ann!
Love the bookmarks Maggie Ann. I attempted shuttle tatting as a child, but made knots that wanted to stick rather than slide and eventually gave up. I was awfully young though. As an adult I did a bit of needle tatting. It looks exactly the same and can use the same patterns but I was more successful with it. I made a few tatted and ribbong enhanced bookmarks and haven't touched it since. Too many hobbies to do them all with the gusto that I give my spinning and knitting.
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