Monday, May 01, 2006

My prayers will be to my God and Saviour always. He is the one who has paid the penalty for my sin and set me free from condemnation. For those of you who are unaware of it, someone is putting forth the idea on their blog (and starting a prayer blog along this idea) that you can pray to angels or goddess' or whomever and it is alright. The Bible teachs in the Ten commandments that"....thou shalt have no other gods before me" Exodus chapter 20, verse 3. I will give no apology for my steadfast obedience to the Holy Scriptures and my love for my God, and my Saviour, Jesus Christ. At the end of this life, there is the judgement seat, and whether some believe this or not...there will be no justification apart from having your sins under the blood of Christ, and having your name as a believer written in the book of life. "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus", from the book of Romans, chapter 8, verse 1.


Tracey said...

Maggie Ann,

I don't know who you are talking about specifically, but I know that so many seem to have fallen into this 'idea'. I agree with you 100%. Just another sad note of the times.

Amy said...

I applaud you Maggie for speaking up about this. *hugs*

Shelley L. MacKenzie said...

I totally agree with you! God is the only one who can answer our prayers - not an angel or anyone else.

I do hope these people are not led astray by Satan for too long. They need to know the Truth!

Saija said...

Amen ... there is no other name, by which we can be saved ... Jesus, is the One and Only!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Maggie Ann, thanks so much for taking a stand for OUR GOD!! There is no other God and like you said our bible says in the 10 commandments that we should have NO OTHER GOD BEFORE US!! I do feel sorry for this person that believes otherwise.

Peggy said...

Dear Maggie, I am a baptist and pray to God but I also speak to my mother and dad who told me they would be my guardian angels right before they died. Catholics believe in saints and I am not going to tell them they are wrong in their beliefs.This other person was raised a catholic where they pray to the saints and to virgin mary. I am sure heaven will not be one denomination.Each religion has different beliefs. The one thing they do have in common is they believe in God. I don't want anyone's feelings hurt and I love you and this other person very much. I think the non denomination prayer blog is a good place for us to leave our worries or cares with others to pray for each other in their own faith. God ask us to love each other and thats what I want to do and leave the judgment to him. I hope you will still welcome me here as I get such a blessing from your posts. Hugs my friend

Amy said...

Loving others doesn't mean accepting sin and sharing the truth with someone dear to us isn't judging them.

melissa said...

It's all about Christ being *the only way* and substitutes just aren't truth.

Thanks for being straight up, Maggie Ann.

HomemakerAng said...

I also believe Jesus is the only way! Acts 16:31 "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved."

Mindy said...

I am a Born again Christian, I am not ashamed of whose I am!!! Proud of you for taking a stand about how you feel..for me, I come from a Catholic background and i'm so very thankful that I had that as I was growing up! Hugs to you...xo

rachel said...

The Bible says, in Philippians 2:10-11,"that at the name of JESUS every knee knee should bow, IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH and under the earth, and every tongue confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD, to the glory of God the Father." Either we accept God's Word as TRUTH or He is a liar. We can all have thoughts and opinions, but what are they based on? Think about it-everyone is following someone...

"Choose you this day whom you will serve...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

sparrow's song said...

Dearest Maggie,

I've been out sick for a while now and just getting this message.

I admire you for speaking out which is so very hard to do in this pluralistic religious cutlure without being condemned for speaking God's Truth. There are all sorts of errors creeping into the Body of Christ to dilute the Word of God through tolerance of everyone's version of truth. Any unity among believers must be through His Spirit and in Truth, not self-interpretations of scripture taken out of content without the benefit of scripture interpreting scripture or additions of verbal traditions as equal to the Word of God through self-proclaimed authority. We cannot add to the Word for what is not there and still proclaim it is His truth. If we are to walk with Christ, it must be on His terms and not on our own preferences.