Friday, April 07, 2006

Goodbye Mr. Snowman, Spring is here....well, almost. It's here in spurts anyway. This is a cookie jar Mum bought me at the nursing home.....I just love it. Last night I made a card using collage and enjoyed it so much. Should have posted a picture of it..hmm. Next time perhaps. I'm going to make some Easter cards tonight and that will be so enjoyable. It gives me the artistic license that I so enjoy. And, tonight will I knit?? Hope

In my devotions I am reading through the book of Numbers. As I was reading along through much repetition it struck me that how wise that repetition is. God was making it very hard for anyone to make a mistake that way, it was written down and repeated and repeated. That would make me feel very comfortable. And repetition is a wonderful hearing from our loved ones or friends that they care about us. How much more important to hear from the Word of God, that God cares for us beyond what we could ever comprehend or deserve. That very thought makes my sinful heart repent and turn my face towards heaven....and towards the Bible, that is God's own word to mankind.....and all because "God is love".


Marie said...

I threw away some Christmas potholders today. Of course I had been using them for several years. . .goodbye reindeer.

Saija said...

you always manage to post something uplifting! where do you get the energy? i've been dragging these past weeks and my poor blog shows it!

Peggy said...

I get so lost in my bible readings sometimes. Trying to understand or like you said the repeating of things over and over. I am trying so hard to be patient and let it sink in instead of rushing thru what I don't understand. Thanks for reminding me its God's word and there's a reason for how things are written.

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

I always love your blogs. Keep it up!! Sandy

Mindy said...

great post Maggie...I agree with you regarding the repetition in the is there for a get through to us!!!LOL I have been reading in Chronicles...this year I am reading the bible all the way through..never have done this before, and felt led to do so...isn't God good to us!!Blessings dear friend xo

Shelley L. MacKenzie said...

How is the knitting coming along? Good I hope!