This of course, is the back of the detergent bottle apron, I should have posted this picture second instead of first, oh well....We are finally getting rain today and I should be cleaning like a crazy woman and here I sit tranquilly typing away....updating my blog. My daughter and grandson and son-in-law's sister are coming on Thursday evening and staying till Sunday so you know what that means. Extra dusting and polishing etc. I'll love to see them. Its been a difficult adjustment over the years letting go...when I've poured my life into them, but its finally happened, mostly I'm fine with it but now and again a pain stabs my heart. But, hey, would I want to live with my Mother forever??? No way. I love her deeply but..... How in the world did I get thinking in that direction? New subject now...I immensely enjoyed the Anne of Green Gable sites last night. My son came home and showed me how to increase the size of the slide show picture and wow is all I have to say. The views of P.E.I. were breathtaking. So many things make me think of God our creator. He deserves our love and adoration. In my Bible reading, this a.m. the narration is about Naaman the captain of the host of Syria who got leprosy and the little captive slave girl said for him to go to the man of God..Elisha. I could really identify with the way he figured out just the way Elisha would come out and meet him and then heal him immediately, but no, Elisha sent a messenger saying, go wash in the muddy river 7 times. How Naaman felt insulted, after all he was somebody important....and wasn't going to obey when a servant said, basically, what have you got to lose? I guess you know how this turned out...its in 11 Kings chapter 5. But thats a good picture of me....always thinking I know best ....thinking....thinking.....when I need to 'let go and let God'. Hope you are having a good day and getting some of this rain too. I told my husband last night, we might as well go out and bury our garden. Get it out of sight, it looks so patheticly .....gulp.....dead. Only a few tomato plants are thriving in this dry heat. On a last note, we had a marvelous supper. Eggplant Parmigiana (I took a wild guess at that spelling) and corn on the cob that was out of this world good. (and I'm not a big corn on the cob fan) (well, untill now. Hubby is trying to bring home more of the same for tonight). Off I go now, I think I'll give a report on my blog tomorrow just what I got accomplished around the house today. Now that ought to spur me on! The verse on my Mary Englebreit desk calander says this....'Success consists of getting up once oftener than you fall down." The picture above that shows a little girl smiling as she roller skates along, one leg flung out in abandon and her skates key twirling about on a ribbon around her neck. A happy attitude, I'm think I'm catching her spirit = ). Now, if by some chance you're still with me, do leave a comment, I'd like that !

Maggie, You have the most delightful blog. Like sitting across the table over a cup of tea with a talented and congenial friend.
I admire your artful pictures and craft projects. So cheerful:)
I understand how hard it is to let go...but look on it as a new chapter in your are still a mum but now it seems, a grandmother also. Your family will always be with you in your heart.
and I agree... I love my mum to death..but live with her forever?
let go and let God...sometimes it is hard..we always think we know what is best for us. Always turns out that we don't
as to the garden.... well, we are in drought times too...awful but at the end of your summer...tidy up, pull out finished plants, mulch and get ready for glorious autumn. Dinner sounds delish !
I enjoyed reading your blog as I drank a glass of ice tea. Felt like I was right there with you chatting!
I do love your blog. As Ilona says it is like having a cup of tea with a friend.
I couldn't live with my Mum - and she knows that and accepts it. Mum lived with her mother after my parents seperated. How Grandma and Mum got along I don't know. I'm not as patient as them. We have the next best thing though. Mum now has her own house down the back of our two acre block. She has her privacy, as we do, but we are both close enough to enjoy morning tea together or be on hand if one or the other of use needs help in a crisis or in a time of sickness. Mum is an incredibly active 65 year old. The family joke is that if I need her to babysit - I have to book a month in advance. Reality is she will drop everything for us if we need her. Truly a blessing.
wouldn't it be wonderful to ACTUALLY be able to sit, have tea and chat about all this stuff we blog about? it is WONDERFUL to have find folks like you Maggie Ann, who have matured graceful in the Lord and have such wisdom to share ... (((HUGS)))
Good Morning Maggie Ann, not sure if you will look for me here or not..but here I am..*S* The *VBS* means "very big smile"..a mile of smile in fact..*S*
Yes, I too feel a strong kinship with you. You have such a lovely way of looking at ordinary things..your kindness just shines out from your words and pictures.
I did purchase What the Deaf Man Heard, and also The Love Letter. I've seen Breathing Lessons, and I'm not sure about Miss Rose White.
I'm also fond of Sarah, Plain and Tall, and that series. Haven't brought it as yet. I live a fair distance from a larger shopping area, and since I'm not fond of rentals(the cleaniness of the product concerns me) I generally buy the movie I really like, or love.And with Amazon's free shipping if your order is just over $25..I make sure I juggle what I am ordering to come out at $25+. Not hard to do.
Hallmark did The Secret Garden back in the early 1980's and I had taped it from TV. The child is Gennie James.
The author of the book was Frances Hodgsen Burnett. It's a lovely story. The copyright is 1987. I hope you get a chance to see it with the little dark hair girl. I know it's been re-done, but as usual, it's not the quite the same story with a different actor.
I look forward to our meetings, here, and at Pieces...Hugs *VBS*
Hi, I,m Laney's mom. I enjoy your posts - love the photos.
I do remember those little bottle dresses. What amazes me is that you saved it for so long. My mom and gram had them back in the day.
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