Monday, September 24, 2018

On the 'Niddy Noddy'...

A Niddy-Noddy is used to take the spun yarn off of the bobbin on the spinning wheel and turn it into a skein.  It was interesting to read about its history.  It goes way back, which makes sense since everything used to be done by hand carding and spinning. The Niddy-Noddy was part of a little poem 'type' saying which one used to keep a rhythm going in the right direction when winding on.  I think I've got that right!

Next it got washing, which was a still soak in the sink, and then a quiet rinse....letting it rest in the water for about 10 minutes or so before before pressing gently to get excess water out of the skein and blotting on a towel.

Next it goes onto the  'swift' and  then onto the ball winder.  Such a lot of time and care, but very rewarding. And, this little bit of yarn is about 505 feet or 168 yards.  It will only make a scarf, but I hope a very pretty one.


Winifred said...

That's a lovely piece of information. When I saw the wool in the skein it reminded me of when I was young & wool always came in a hank like that, never pre-wound. My Mam & I used to take turns at holding it with our arms outstretched holding the hank.

Sometime my lace wool comes in hanks & I have to put it around the back of a chair which takes longer than when someone is holding it & moving it to help you wind the ball. Brings back the memories of Mam & I winding the wool together & we always seemed to be laughing about something. Happy days! Thanks for this.

Hope you are keeping well.

handmade by amalia said...

So interesting. Spinning must be one of the oldest crafts, you can find it in all the good fairy tales.