I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works. I will be glad and rejoice in thee...Psalm 9:verses 1 and 2a
Saturday, March 03, 2018
Too Tiny!
Have you tried to knit with these new size 1, 9 inch circulars for socks? I have and do not like them. I finally put my sock stitches on the double pointed knitting needles.....with relief! What a tedious thing, like trying to knit with toothpicks.
you are inspiring me to pick up my knitting needles again! i have never knit leo a pair of socks yet - in our over 40 years of marriage! i have been spoiled by my mom and aunt, who diligently give him socks for his birthday and at Christmas ... i wonder if i should give it a go? blessings on you dear friend ...
Yes I have. In desperation I bought a set of 5 Knit Pro aluminium ones as I couldn't move the loops over the join on the circular needle I was using to knit the sleeves of the gansey I'm doing. Crumbs using 5 nedles is a pain, you have to keep on moving the knitting after every twenty loops. I'm hoping after I've decreased some more loops I can drop to 4 needles! They're better than the circular needle but I'd much rather use two ordinary needles & stitch the seam. I'm still looking for the camera battery charger for my camera but I have found my husban's so at least I can take the photos of the gansey.
you are inspiring me to pick up my knitting needles again! i have never knit leo a pair of socks yet - in our over 40 years of marriage! i have been spoiled by my mom and aunt, who diligently give him socks for his birthday and at Christmas ... i wonder if i should give it a go? blessings on you dear friend ...
Not a knitter so can not say I have. But they do look fussy!
Yes I have. In desperation I bought a set of 5 Knit Pro aluminium ones as I couldn't move the loops over the join on the circular needle I was using to knit the sleeves of the gansey I'm doing. Crumbs using 5 nedles is a pain, you have to keep on moving the knitting after every twenty loops. I'm hoping after I've decreased some more loops I can drop to 4 needles!
They're better than the circular needle but I'd much rather use two ordinary needles & stitch the seam.
I'm still looking for the camera battery charger for my camera but I have found my husban's so at least I can take the photos of the gansey.
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