This old print hangs above our sideboard in the living room and I've always loved it. of the Bible apps have a daily verse you can put on your own photo, loving that also.
Last evening we watched a movie we bought at Walmart's for only $5.00. I thought it would probably be boring and a dud...BUT...I absolutely loved it. It is the story of a Seal named 'Andre', based on a true story. Wow! what a keeper. Just so you know, I am still knitting away on my sock. It is coming along toward the toe now, isn't that something you were dying to know? lol.
Yes! always love knowing what you are up to.
And happy it is toes(lol)
I'll have to look for that movie. Happy knitting my friend. Hugs!
Yes! I can be more easy in my mind now that I know the toe is covered.
Happy Easter to you and fam!!! HE is RISEN!
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