I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works. I will be glad and rejoice in thee...Psalm 9:verses 1 and 2a
Saturday, January 06, 2018
Red Happiness...
My daughter got me this sweet bunny for Christmas and I love her. Yesterday I happened to notice we had the same style and color of shoes on. Isn't that something!
That is the sweetest little bunny! And you both have cute Mary Janes on...I love them! Better pull some fuzzy socks or slippers on to stay warm though! Sweet hugs, Diane
That is the sweetest little bunny! And you both have cute Mary Janes on...I love them! Better pull some fuzzy socks or slippers on to stay warm though! Sweet hugs, Diane
So cute! We are helping take care of an elderly missionary lady here and she just got new red shoes!
I'm not sure if I have your email address so would you please write to me so that I can ask you something! Sweet hugs, Diane
I wrote to you...teehee! Hugs!
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