Friday, February 17, 2017

Cosy Country lunches...

Our favorite place to stop for lunch guessed it!  Cracker Barrel.  The snow and wind were just swirling a 'white-out'.  And cold...brrrr.

The weather can make you appreciate warmth and cosy like nothing else. I found out that I have a couple of bulging discs. Physical therapy is making a wonderful difference in my discomfort (miserable-ness).

I've been crocheting on the walnut pattern throw every day....I try for half an hour or more, and I am getting reacquainted with my spinning wheel. I tire very easily but am determined to gain back a little ground here and there.

The new Magnolia Journal magazine is out know, the one by Chip and JoAnna Gaines and it is really a special issue. I like it and have read it cover to cover. It has great tips for simplifying a wardrobe and yummy looking salad recipes. (plus, other good stuff)

We stopped at a thrift store this afternoon and happened on a buy one get 2 free.  Yippee, that was fun. My favorite purchase was a James Herriot book about his lovely England. 'James Herriot's Yorkshire'.  I've always liked his books, but I thought the tv series about his vet's life a bit dull. Maybe I didn't stick with it long enough.....anyway, there's nothing like a book. And I love the way he always told the bad right along with the good stuff. (with humor, of course..which is easier to do after the fact than during, for sure).  Wishing you a happy week-end,

Psalm 119:50 'This is my comfort in my affliction: for thy word hath quickened me.'


GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Hi Maggie Ann, happy to read you are getting relief by doing physical therapy. I'm sorry you are having pain. Cracker Barrel is a great place to warm up and fill up. Hope you have a lovely weekend!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm glad you've had a good day. I'm not familiar with that magazine...I'll google search it to learn more! Happy weekend! Hugs, Diane

Anonymous said...

Hi Maggie, Thankful you enjoyed lunch at CB. I love the food and the goodies in the gift shop! I have not yet looked at a copy of Chip and Joanna's magazine. They are a breath of fresh air on television!
God bless you this afternoon. Mildred