Wednesday, August 24, 2016

A pretty apron!

 Isn't this a pretty thing?  This apron is reversible and has been made by a 83 year old lady recently.  My husband insists they said she was 93 years old. I don't have a good memory but whichever age she is....this is stellar!  I loved it.

I wanted you to see this clever pocket. Quite large and the way it is like a pocket on top of a pocket. Or...2 pockets in one pocket.  The reverse side has two pockets also.  I think it is just  so nice.


Michelle-ozark crafter said...

That is an adorable apron indeed. Love it!

Summer said...

The apron is very pretty! Hope you are having a great day ♥

Dolly said...

That is so pretty ! I'm tickled that you were able to get it !

Elizabethd said...

I so hope that when I'm 83 I will still be sewing!
Thank you for visiting my Cornish 'home'! I cant see a followers button on yours?

Anonymous said...

That apron is the sweetest and most unique one I've seen. I just love aprons...they remind me of my maternal grandma.