Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Home-made Treasures....

                                          We were impressed with this bench someone made from odd lumber pieces. I am thinking about it....wondering if it would be too large for our little porch.

 This little table is a beauty!  Whoever created this treasure get an A-plus! There was a whole room of things like this. And downright cheaply priced....thinking this one was $85.

 Another bench created from an old door.  Amazing! If I tried to make this...well, I just couldn't.

More fun stuff and I did get a small tv cart to put my wool carder on.  Its been ages since I've done anything with my spinning wheel & wool.  I friend once quoted this to me...'oh consistency, thou art a jewel'.....and a hard one to hold on to for me.  I sidetrack like crazy.

1 comment:

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

Love the furniture!