Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Look who came to visit!

 This little girl was dropped off and turned up at our house.  We suspect she will be having kittens soon?  She is very affectionate and we've enjoyed having her around but..but....what will the future hold.  We had a cat dropped off once before, that we were oh so fond of and she had a litter of about 6 lively kittens on our back porch.  They swung off the lily stems and broke most all the plants....turned my flower bed into outdoor facilities.  Oh my, they were cute but destructive.  Finally, one sad day we managed to corral them and take them to the animal pound.  7 cats were just to many.

 Isn't she a little beauty?  I think Little Girl may have been someone's house pet,  she is so tame and loves you so whole-heartedly.
This gorgeous flower has given me so much enjoyment!  A $5 purchase from Aldi's before Easter.  It still looks like this!

My husband is doing well,  still has pain at times,  and tires extremely easily.  I don't think men understand that major surgery takes a long time of healing and fatigue and so on.  Still, he's been a trouper, and God's hand of blessing on him is evident and we are so thankful.  Please pray he will be continue to heal well and have no serious problems. It will be 3 weeks Wed. since his surgery and he sees his surgeon a week or so after that.

Psalms 9:10  And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee; for thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek thee'.


Patsy said...

You and him are still on my prayer list, so glad he is getting better.
I left a comment to you why no back-hoe on my blog. The neighbor used a back-hoe and that is what caused the problem. He told Bennie, will I told you I was going to fix my yard.

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

She is a cute little cat.

Carla from The River said...

I will continue to pray for your husband.
xx oo
I do love that sweet cat. I just hate that people are so irresponsible and just dump pets when they are no longer convenient. Keep us posted if she does have kittens.

Kim said...

I haven't been in blog land much lately as life has been a little bit of a frenzy. =/ My mother just told me of your husband's health issues. I'm so sorry I didn't know. Please know that I am praying for you both during this time and I pray for his continual recovery.

Patsy said...

The Bennie said he used a bob-cat to move the dirt, not a back-hoe, silly me.

Mrs. Mac said...

Just said a little prayer of recovery for you hubby. This is one of the nicest spots to visit .. filled with God's love and His peace.