Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine Day!

 Sweetly old-fashioned, just what I like!  I can vaguely remember the excitement of making Valentine shoe-boxes in grade school and exchanging Valentines.  Those were the days =) This afternoon I decorated two gifts for friends....

 Wow!  what a beauty!

 Our daughter and her family are eager to bring this little yellow lab...'Miss' home soon.  How exciting it must be to have a new baby puppy!

I've loved reading this children's book this week!  So, so much.  I am now a big fan of Howard Garis.  Have you read any of his books as a child or now?  Amazon has at least two of his books for!

A beautiful arrangement from my hubby!  Its so pretty, it is almost to good to be real, but it is real.  The app of the week for me is 1010!  Have you tried it?  Its sort of like tetris....only  you pick up the blocks from beneath timer.   I like apps that do not pressure me.  I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day.  We are having steadily falling snow here in our part of Pa.  and very cold out.  I am reading a book I was gifted with for my Kindle.

Speaking of Kindles',  A good book is a gift that keeps on giving smiles and many relaxing hours.  I so love to read!

'Incline my heart unto thy testimonies, and not to covetousness.' Psalm 118:36


Patsy said...

Happy Valentine's Day, lovely flowers and thanks for the free books tip.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Your flowers are gorgeous! And I'm off to look for the books and app you mentioned. We love so many of the same things. Happy Valentine's Day my friend! xox Diane

Stephanie said...

My heart is totally melting over that sweet puppy! How precious :)

I know the day is almost over, but Happy Valentine's Day! I hope your day was extra beautiful. Hugs to you, my friend!

Dolly said...

What pretty things to look at !

Your posts are always so nice .

Happy valentines' day, friend !

Saija said...

happy "day after valentines" to you! love your pics, always!!! i have been in my winter hibernation mode, just quiet ... our winter hasn't been so bad, but those cold days are enough to make me dream of an early spring! ever the optimist, eh?!!! LOL ... been thinking of you ... blessings sent your way!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Sweet puppy, beautiful flowers and lovely post!

Carla from The River said...

Thank you for sharing about the orchids. I will check out some books at the library about them.
I use to play the Uncle Wiggly board game. :-)) It was fun. I will have to get it out of the closet and have the boys play with me. It was one my sister and I played all the time.
I love all your photos today, so much fun.
Enjoy your week!