Sunday, December 07, 2014

So much to do, so little time!  My apology to anyone that noticed! the Art Museum scene in the movie I recommended....'All I Want for Christmas'.   I completely forgot about that painting of the nude lady.  Oh my,  I'm sorry!

We enjoyed the beautiful sunshine today....after a very overcast and gloomy last few days it was like pure gold to see the sunshine streaming through the windows and brightening the world, indoors and out.  How we missed the sun.

Must rest now and get ready for Choir Practise. Have a blessed Lord's Day!

Psalm 3:3 'But thou O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up  of mine head.'  O how true!


Saija said...

love the pic! those old fashioned scenes mean so much more to me, in this fast paced digital age ... tho' i am fond of the gadgets! ;)

hope this time of advent is extra sweet for you ... remembering our Lord ... that He humbled Himself and became one of us ...

blessings on you dear Maggie Ann!

Patsy said...

Hello Maggie Ann hope all is well with you. Missed seeing the lady. Or didn't think any thing of it.

Carla from The River said...

I missed seeing the lady. No worries. :-)

And I know just how you feel about the sun, I miss it too. We have lots of clouds and COLD damp air.Can not wait to see the good ol'Sunshine!

Thank you for the encouragement.
xx oo

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Sweet photo! Is it a postcard? Hope you have a great week!