Monday, November 17, 2014

All kinds of good things...

 Oh boy, are these muffins good!  Only thing is.....they are the Queen of fattening.  And at my age, I must sometimes not eat goodies.  I'm trying to lose 8 lbs. but just started today....haha.

Hubby got us these beautiful flowers and our grandson sent me this special tea bag holder he made in school on Grandparents Day.  

I feel like making all my pictures extra large today.  Hey look,  you can see the cabbage leaf design on the vintage salad bowl!  We bought this bowl for under $5. at my favorite thrift store.  And....found that 3 lb. of peanuts fills it beautifully.  They don't attract fruit flies,  or go moldy, or need covered with foil to keep.  So I get to enjoy the large bowl,  and it is fun to look at beside the gourd our garden gallantly gave us as a freebie.  And these are along side the castle cookie jar I bought when I was about 15 years old, paying the store manager 50 cents a week.  What a hoot!  I must have been kind of cute for them to agree to that.  But eventually I got it paid for and here it is...51 years later.  Praise the Lord!  I'm amazed  it is still here in one piece.

 I bought a Paul Detleftson print the same way when I was a little when I had a first job. When it was  paid off,  my Dad went to pick it up with the car....and would you believe?? he decided he liked a different print by Paul D. better, and brought it home and hung it up.  I must have finally got up the nerve to protest because he took it back and exchanged it for the one I had paid for.  My lands!! He was ornery to say the least.

I'm sorry its taken me so long to update my blog.  I hadn't realized time was going by so fast!  My sewing machine has broken and I jokingly went to Good Will and told honey I'd call him in if I found a $10 machine.  AND I did!   an old Singer ...pretty color..yellow and white...but with no foot pedal.  And the foot pedal works by air coming through the hose to it.  Did you ever?

We ordered said foot pedal from ebay.  $19. ouch.  Paid $9. for the Singer (thanks to senior discount).  My Huskavarna will go to the shop in December....and hopefully the Singer will sing to me while finishing the snap bags for the donations I've promised to make.  Hope so!

Hope your day is blessed by the Lord,  I know he delights in those who love him back.

Psalms 3:3 But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.

 My Ryrie study Bible has a footnote that says says the word 'blessed'  in the Hebrew means 'Oh, how very happy!'    Don't you just love that?  Hope you are having a beautiful day.


GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Such pretty flowers! And the perfect bowl for peanuts. So glad you had the courage to be firm and got the print that you really wanted. :)

Latane Barton said...

Wasn't hubby just the sweetest thing to buy flowers. And, they are so pretty. I like that big bowl, too, that you have filled with peanuts. I just hate fruit flies, don't you and you sure won't get them with peanuts. Good move.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I like the idea of the peanuts, too! I would probably eat one every time I walked by though and the floor would be a crunchy mess! haha! Have a good week my friend! Hugs!

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

Everything is so pretty and that muffin looks yummy too!

Carla from The River said...

Good luck with your project.
I love the idea with the peanuts. :-)

A Colorful World said...

Maggie Ann--that sewing machine find was amazing! Wow! And I loved hearing about the cookie jar buy when you were young, and also the picture (that silly Dad! :-) ) The bowl is beautiful! Would be perfect with a trifle in it because it is tall (and so pretty!) Love the peanuts in it, and the muffin also looks so good! I truly hope you have a wonderful and very blessed Thanksgiving. Our kids are coming here. I am trying to get the house clean. :-)

By the way, those knitting needles on my blog post were made by my GREAT grandfather for my GREAT grandmother! So awesome!

All my best! Stay warm!