Thursday, September 18, 2014

Fall Fun...

 I love this fall table runner!  I had bought my friend one so very similar when this one caught my eye.  The perfect size for our dining room table.  The best part is that it was intended for a small throw rug and was under $5.   Fall has such rich colors!  Those cute fabric pumpkins were made by a quilters group.

 This is such fun.  Have you seen these before?  It is called a 'snap bag'.  You open it by pulling the cloth triangles apart and when you let go it shuts automatically.  In the top casing are cut to length pieces of  metal tape measure.  It is sheer genius.  I made this one and about 6 small change purse sizes. There are tutorials for these over on YouTube.  They are very easy to make....I'm delighted to have come across this pattern.  =)

 We had been putting a good many puzzles together lately.  This one was oh so pretty,  but hard.

 Beautiful Fiesta ware!  We enjoy our collection every day.

Can you tell this is an old favorite of ours?  I'm afraid it got caught in the back of the drawer quite a few times.  Still,  if it could talk it would tell you how much we have loved it over the years.

I am getting over a bad headcold.....hopefully!  I almost forgot to tell you about the book I just finished reading....what a gem.  'A Promise to Love' by Serena Miller.  Never have I read a better book!  10 *s ... I bought the ebook.  This book is the 3rd book in her series.  But!  Serena does not leave you hanging...each book is complete in itself and the  research she did is really interesting!  She is a wonderful author,  and this series....which starts with 'The Measure of Katie Calloway' (which is free on Amazon ebooks just now)  and the 2nd book is 'Under A Blackberry Moon' and 'A Promise to Love' is 3rd and oh So So good!


Stephanie said...

Hello sweet lady! I'm so sorry you've been under the weather with a head cold, but am happy to hear you're recovering. I hope you are feeling 100% better soon.

I just love your pretty table runner - so perfect for Autumn :)

Thinking of you! Hugs!

Sola Scriptura said...

Your table runner is so cheerful and pretty! I've not heard of snap bags before, but it sounds so interesting!

Carla from The River said...

Some friends of ours are also sick. :-( Sending you a hug and prayers.
Thank you for the fun comments about our BIG GOURD! :-)
Have a blessed weekend.

A Colorful World said...

That recipe is definitely well-loved! :-) I have a few that look like that! That salad in the green fiestaware is the most colorful food I've seen in a long time! Makes me want to go make a salad! :-) I love fiesta!

Sorry about your head cold. Take care.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Hi there! Thanks for mentioning the book that is free. I got it for our IPAD to read later. It's fun when you can get a few for between library runs. I hope you're feeling good and having a good weekend! Sweet hugs, Diane