Thursday, May 01, 2014

Love this App? I do...

This is a remarkable app from the itunes store.  As of this morning, it was free..It makes collages from your camera roll (ipad).  It also makes drawings, or black and white photos from any photo.  I am excited about this app!!!  I always have had trouble creating a photo collage from 'apple' but this is easy and fun.  It is called 'PicPlayPost'.  I found it through 'Appsgonefree' which is an app itself that features free daily give-a-ways....all apps.  Have you ever heard of this app before?  And ,  would you share what your favorite apps are with me?  Coming across something you really appreciate is such a blessing!


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

My husband checks the free apps every day and he looks for the photo editing apps for me. I'll let you know if we find a good one. I like your collage! I hope you're not having bad weather today. We are expecting some rain later...hope it's just a nice shower! Hugs, Diane

Patsy said...

Is camera roll a app? If it is which one do you have? I can't find that I have camera roll on my I pad.

Patsy said...

Thank you so much I got it all and now I can have so much fun.
Thanks again.

A Colorful World said...

I'm afraid I am still "behind" in my thinking. I want my phone to just be a phone. I had to wait till our contract with Sprint was over so I could get a non-contract phone because I didn't want to pay for internet access and other things on my phone. I just want it to handle my phone calls! I don't have any kind of mobile internet device and though I like to do fun things on my computer, I'm somewhat limited because I'm not all that computer savvy. My daughter gets pretty exasperated with me. :-)