Thursday, May 01, 2014

HIgh Winds in Pa....

 Those high winds were fierce.  See how the winds blew and blew this pretty pot to pieces! I feel sorry for all those who lost homes and worse, loved ones in the terrible tornadoes.  I cannot imagine what they are going through. May God be their strength in recovery.....
 I remember saying to my husband ....look!  those tulips survived the winds....he pointed out those the wind....uprooted!

Oh  my... but today I went out and transplanted some small larkspur plants and sowed some flower seeds after pulling those unwelcome wild onions out of my flower beds.  The ground is so wet it made easy work for me.  Its a good start and a plus amid the losses, to have weeded and planted some seeds.  In a week I'll look for them to jump up and surprise me. =)  (weeds too!)


Carla from The River said...

Our prayers to all too.
xx oo

A Colorful World said...

So sorry you got caught in those high winds! My brother and his wife had a lot of damage too all around them in N Alabama. We've had bad dust storms. Prayers for those going through losses right now!

Dolly said...

Ooh, those pesky onions ! No one ever mentions them....I'm so glad YOU did ! They drive me crazy, but there's so much more to bring me back to center again. There's nothing like working in the earth ! My Larkspur just started blooming yesterday. They're purple. I had a pink one last year.....wonderful surprise, the one and only.