Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Strawberry Pie

 This strawberry pie recipe is tops!  Super easy and super delish.  And, strawberries were only $2.99 for  about 2 lb.  That price may not be accurate, but you get the idea.  Its close. =)

 Here's the recipe,  and is it ever easy.  (Please click to enlarge, and hopefully you will be able to read the recipe.)

And some strawberry watercolor art,  courtesy of the 'Waterlogue' app I downloaded from the itunes store.   On the knitting front,  good thing I have an excellent teacher to take my knitting to.  I ended up with 20 some increases to many.  How did that happen???   She got me back on track though.  Whew, thats a relief.  Knitting is a lot of math which I never was good at.  I'm excellent at getting confused when math is present.  Hope you have a toasty warm day.   Its been so chilly here.  And windy.  I keep  having to bring the spinning weather vane indoors.  I meant this post to be not so much reading.  But, being me.....=)


Patsy said...

A lot of people are using the fun watercolor app now.
I love that all the berry's are coming in so delicious after a hard winter.
I had to stop knitting after I made my granddaughter two long scarfs my shoulder hurt for a month.
Well it is no fun getting old.

Carla from The River said...

I have trouble with math too.
I am so proud of you for pressing on with the knitting project.
I am making a tote bag for my sister for Easter. :-)

Mari said...

I think that's the same recipe my mom used. I never make Strawberry pie, because my husband doesn't like strawberries - can you believe that? Anyway, I don't need a whole pie!

Stephanie said...

Mmmm... I have always loved strawberry pie and I just bought strawberries the other day because of the great price :) Tomorrow night my church is having a pie social for my Pastor's birthday - maybe I will make strawberry pie :)

Love your pictures! It looks like I could eat the pie right off the computer...I wish!

Hugs to you!

A Colorful World said...

Ooooh, strawberry pie! Yum! Mom used to make something called strawberry pizza this time of year, with a flat shortbread crust, layered with sweetened cream cheese and topped with the strawberry pie. Out of this world!

Thanks for coming by my quilt blog! Did you notice my quilt finish, one post down?

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Oh the strawberries in watercolors are gorgeous! And I'm terrible about adding stitches in knitting or crochet! Enjoy your day my friend! I wrote you an email! Hugs!

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Looks yummy! Happy knitting! xox