Tuesday, March 04, 2014


I love vintage clip art, do you?  Art has always called my name.  What a God given talent to capture some of the beauty of a rose with pencils and paint!  Of course now with our digital cameras...wow,  I am a huge fan of snapping many shots with no film to develop. =)

You may wonder what I've been doing, to be so tardy updating my blog.  I have been knitting up a storm....all practice ...well, mostly. (and the week has flown by while....)  I am teaching myself with the help of youtube and my vast collection (grin) of how-to books on knitting.....I am learning to knit button holes for the start of a sweater pattern.  I am determined. To learn.  =)

We are having Missionary Conference at our church and it is not only interesting but very challenging to see how we measure up in sharing the good news of the Gospel.   John 3:16 and the  Gospel are the most important information one person can ever give to another. I'm so glad I confessed my need of Jesus and what he accomplished for us with his death and resurrection!

And, we are soon on the way to the library to pick up a copy of Alexander McCall Smith's book 'The Minor Adjustment Beauty Salon'.   If it is as good a read as the  others in the Ladies Detective Agency series he did,    Well,  I will really enjoy it.  I'm looking forward to reading it.


Dolly said...

You know, I've never had talent for drawing or painting, so I haven't put much thought toward it. You really made me look at that painting of the rose and bud, and realize what a gift that is to be able to translate that. I have a whole new appreciation for this medium now. I'd be very frustrated without my digital camera !

Carla from The River said...

I agree with you about having missionaries tell about their mission. One of our dear friends has decided to sell everything and work in Haiti. I am very proud of her. She has made a huge decision. She is very happy!
I pray daily for God to guide our family decisions and may He guide us in the route we are to go.
Always enjoy your posts.

Patsy said...

I do some knitting, but not good at it any more. To me putting a quilt together is like working a puzzle and I still can do that for now. The rose is beautiful, is that done with the new app?

A Colorful World said...

Our Missions Conference really inspired me, and now I am on the Missions Committee. I volunteered to send birthday and anniversary cards to each family--hand-written notes. I am excited about doing it. I also have a real heart for victims of child abuse and human trafficking, but I don't know how to channel that except by prayer. I often fall short even in praying.